Tuesday, November 29, 2016


There are 5 parts to this assignment

**** MM assignment should be done in the rickshaw/ car/ kitchen / lift/ playground... never sitting on a study desk. 
**** Turn these exercise in to fun filled games.
**** Never see / carry/ refer  any printed paper/ worksheet / chart.... ALL SHOULD BE IN MIND

#1) knowing the value  
- say the whole no three hundred and fifty
#2) knowing the digits
 - say the digits for three hundred and fifty = 3-5-0
#3) counting forwards
- to be able to skip count forward from any given no
--e.g. skip count by 50 from 600 : 650, 700, 750...
#4) counting backward
--- to be able to skip count backward from any given no
--e.g. skip count by 50 from 600 : 550, 500, 450, 400
5) greater and lesser
105 < 1050
350> 305

Numbers in my life : 
Nice sentences shared by kids in class
#1 ) My Mama got 100 meter cracker loom for diwali
#2) My  craft assignment took 30 mins to finish
#3) I read 40 page story book
#4) My weight is 25 kg
#5) I was born on 11/ 11/ 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 : Count by 5 . 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 : forward and backward

We have been using play currency to help kids understand the application of counting by 5/ 10/ 20/ 50/ 100/ 500/ 1000

Yes counting to the value of 20000 rs is being done in class

Back at home you are requested to practise saying go as far as your can ( SMILE AND ENCOURAGING YOUR CHILD)

10 - 20 - 30 - .............110 - 120 - 130 - 140 - 150 - ........270 - 280 - 290 - 300 - 310....
55- 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80.....
500 - 1000- 1500- 2000 - 2500
1000 - 2000 - 3000- 4000......

and so on.

if kids can practise forward at home.. then i will get extra time to work on backward, the kids truly struggle here!

i don't recommend worksheet/ writing....mental development and verbal accuracy is the focus

Most importantly
don't say one -fifty five
emphasise on saying one hundred and fifty five and four thousand five hundred.

Play with kids monopoly, let them use their counting skills in the gameImage result for monopoly money

Image result for india play currency this toy which is a look alike of indian currency could be brought in if u don't have monopoly game... create play/ learning opportunities
reward them with the money for
task completed 10/-
initiative taken: 20/-
idea suggested for problem 50/-
helped a needy 100/-
shows responsibility 500/-
finished a library book 1000/-


Image result for india 5 rupees note
Image result for skip counting  5
Image result for skip counting  100Image result for skip counting  50